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Align your physical and energy body by clearing inner child wounds, ancestral and past life blocks to allow healing, confidence, abundance and being in flow with your life purpose.

Soul Alignment

Soul alignment is about bringing your physical body and your spirit body into complete alignment.  When these two bodies are out of balance, it can create stress in the body, which can then manifest into illness and pain.

The main focuses and what I have found to be the fastest way to raise your level of consciousness is to clear your deep inner child wounds and core beliefs which are affecting your life now.

Then clearing ancestral trauma and beliefs and also past lives, and soul programs that can be found in your Akashic Records.

When our bodies are in total alignment, having released blockages and imbalances, this is when we are vibrating high and can find it easier to manifest what ever we wish for.

Soul alignment can:

  • Raise your consciousness level to have inner peace, confidence, success, love and abundance

  • Have higher vibrational energy to attract good health, wealth and happiness

  • Manifest easier from a higher vibration

  • allow your life purpose to naturally unfold

  • Increase your intuition to help guide you on your spiritual path

  • Raise your natural healing abilities and help you attract your soul clients easier

SRT sessions will be done remotely/distantly and you will receive a full report afterwards.



1 x zoom call

6 x 60 minute Distant Healing and clearing of trapped emotions, beliefs, trauma, imbalances and negative energies. Included in each session:
3 Positive reinforcements
3 Encouragement statements
3 Affirmations

Also there will be simple EFT/tapping suggestions to reinforce the clearing in your session.
Full details will be given.

6 Week Program


Soul Alignment

Harmony Healing

OPENING HOURS:  Monday - Saturday




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