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So often we are overthinking, even without realising what our thoughts and feelings are going through our minds. When we begin on a spiral of negative and overthinking, it can leave us feeling overwhelmed and anxious and we are often looking for ways out of feeling like this. We may turn to our phones to escape, buy things, watch video's or go and eat something to make ourselves feel better.  This can help short term, but we will probably find ourselves keep repeating the same things, time and time again.

To help you break the cycle of this habit, there is a simple technique that helps you change your thoughts and feelings in seconds.

The main part of this process is to bring yourself back into your body and out of your head. The easiest way to do this, is to begin by focusing on your heart area, your heart chakra, and it has a powerful way of communicating with the brain. When we focus on the heart and slow our breathing down it sends signals to the brain to calm down. It says 'I am safe', 'everything is ok'. Which in turn, calms the nervous system, and allows the body to release stress and tension. 

The more you focus on breathing through your heart, the more present you will feel. This has proven to be a better way than meditating for hours on end. Try to breath this way throughout the day. When you wake up, when you are eating, working, driving, going to sleep, if you wake up in the night etc.

Breathwork Techniques

Simple Breathing

Focus on your heart area and feel yourself in your body, feel your feet on the ground, or your back on the chair and begin breathing in through your heart and out through your heart, slightly slower and deeper than usual.

Peaceful Breathing Technique

This is to help you stop your negative thoughts and feelings in an instant. It can take a little practice to begin noticing your thoughts, as we are so used to them going through our head all the time, but it is so powerful to notice them and then stop them spiralling.

Simply notice when you are thinking negatively or someone says something that makes you feel angry or you are feeling bored, or going to use your phone or maybe eat your emotions.


Then take a breath into your heart and say 'peace' out loud or in your head. Then keep breathing slightly deeper into your heart and let the thoughts disappear.


It can happen straight away or it may take a minute or so. Try to do this as much as you can and change your thoughts to peaceful ones. Do this at least 10 times throughout the day and make it a positive habit and you will really begin to notice your thoughts changing to more positive ones and your body calming down.

When this is combined with energy healing, it begins to calms all body systems, allowing you to live more in the present moment, stopping feelings of stress and overwhelm and balancing your nervous system, hormones, immune system, and just feeling calmer, happier and healthier.

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